Mr. X and I have talked about making a superheroine game since we started all this.
Well... Mr. X has finally done it! It's a work in progress and it's free!

You can try to play it the easy way by just
(it will take a while to load)

That will run it off of SHC but it may not run very well.
(I tried it once and it ran terrible because I had my browser open for hours.
I restarted (firefox in this case) and it ran fine.)

It will run best if you download the zip file and play it
by following Mr. X's directions here...

To Install and Play:

1. Press the link below to download the zip file.
You may have to right click and select "Save Target".
2. Extract the magame folder to your hard drive.
3. Inside the magame folder run Game.html.
4. Required Flash 10. (May run on earlier versions).
Sorry but it won't run from the zip file.



